The Bognor Charity Muliti-sport Festival 2025

 Event now completed


Sunday, 15th September
Arun Leisure Centre/ Felpham Community College, Bognor Regis, W Sussex, PO22 8ED
Registration from 0900hrs, Start time for the Duathlon-Novice is 1000hrs followed by Youth race at 1015hrs, then decending down the age groups.
The races are open to all you do not need to be a member of a club or British Triathlon to take part.

= £17.00.
TRIATHLON - Novice 1 and 2, TriStart(8yrs). = £23.50, Tristars (1,2,3) and Youth £29.50,
2km RUN - £7.00
TEAM FUN RUN RELAY -Donation to charity £2.00+ per team -payable on the day

British Triathlon Race Pass (was day Licence) £2.00 + service charge additional to the entry fee if a non member.
All multi-sport competitors must be members of British Triathlon for the duration of the race (not applicable for 2km run).
If you are not a member you will be informed when entering that the Race Pass will be added to the purchase total when entering the event.
.Details on what the Race Pass is on the link (for info only -not to purchase).

TEAM FUN RUN RELAY - 2 or 3 to a team, min age 9yrs, can have 1x adult (adult can only run 1 leg). Each team member runs 660m. then hands over to next person by swapping over the Triathlon race belt and bib number (supplied).
Fun prizes for first 3 teams, entry fees go to the charity. Last race of the day.
So grab an entry, then sort out a Team!

SWIMBIKERUN Mini partcipation race: We welcome children ages: from 8yrs to 14yrs AGE AS ON RACE DAY a chance to take part in an event without the pressure. This is just a FUN try it out session, the competitor will have a numbered coloured wristband, but there will be no bib number to attach, no timing chip(so no timing) and no results.
Just the FUN of taking part. Regarding the distances of Swim 50m - bike 5km - run 2km this is just the maximum, do as little or as much as you like. This event will be the next to last to start, just before the "7yrs and under" DASH.
COST and ENTRY: entry is via the SWIMBIKERUN portal of British Triathlon (different from the other entries) the cost just £10 (no Day Pass fee)


Triathlon only-Trophies for first 3 in the Other(includes males) and Females in each of the British Triathlon Categories, which are TriStart, Tristar 1, 2, 3, & Youth

As with previous years we will be having a "7yrs and Under" dash (250m-300m) after all competitors have finished, and they DO get a medal, a bit of fun and great to watch. This is free and no registraion is required


In all races there will be Chip timing with splits for all transitions - ⟨swim time will include the poolside transition and the run to the cycle area⟩ The swim will be in the indoor pool with the cycle and run sections on the sports field next to the pool, all traffic free.
We are committed to ensuring that winner′s results at the time of trophy presentation are correct with all the data gathered during the event, and results are produced with the best possible commitment to fairness and integrity. The ′CHIP′ system will also be counting the number of cycle laps completed, this will be checked prior to declaring Interim results for prize giving.

To Help out at an event and get . .. a refreshments goodie bag, and a free future KidstriUK event entry. Plus you will have a great time and be in the middle of the action, you will be giving back to the sport we love. Let us know you can help HERE


Please take care to enter the correct race- You will need to create an account then you can add the child's details including any club, Triathlon England membership, etc. Please use just one email address for any sibling entries.

SBR enter
 KT Tri 17
 KT Tri 19
Bognor Event of the Year 2020
										Permitt applied for Tri. Eng.